Qué es el CICA

Posted by Jorge Hidalgo On Mayo - 01- 2009

El CICA es el Centro de Investigación para la Comunicación Aplicada creado en el año 2004 en el seno de la Universidad Anáhuac México Norte, en su Escuela de Ciencias de la Comunicación

Investigación y Publicaciones

Posted by Jorge Hidalgo On Mayo- 01- 209

Actualmente, en el CICA se estudian los problemas que rodean al cine, la radio, la televisión, internet, la prensa, los nuevos medios, la publicidad y la comunicación organizacional y sus relaciones con la ética y el respeto de los valores humanos para que puedan ser resueltos con el apoyo de la investigación científica y con ello contribuir al desarrollo de la sociedad mexicana.

Posgrados y Extensión

Posted by Jorge Hidalgo On Mayo- 01- 2009

El CICA guarda un interés particular por la formación integral de los profesionales e investigadores que se adscriben a la red de comunicadores que está conformando. Esta visión, tiene como principal objetivo humanizar la actividad de los comunicadores

Difusión de las Investigaciones

Posted by Jorge Hidalgo On Mayo - 01- 2009

Los investigadores del Centro de Investigación para la Comunicación Aplicada, están comprometidos a contribuir en el conocimiento, a través de las investigaciones que realizan, buscando siempre comunicar veraz y objetivamente las innovaciones científicas, creando formas novedosas de divulgación del conocimiento e incrementando la investigación y su aplicación en las empresas de comunicación para promover con ello el uso ético de los medios de comunicación


Posted by Jorge Hidalgo On Mayo- 01- 2009

El contacto con otras instituciones y organismos relacionados al ámbito de la Comunicación, especialmente aquellos que desarrollan nuevas investigaciones y conocimiento sobre esta disciplina, es esencial para elCICA a fin de mantener actualizados a todos sus miembros

IAMCR'10 Journalism Research CFP

Posted by Jorge Alberto Hidalgo Toledo On 7:22 p.m.

Journalism Research & Education Section


(IAMCR Conference at Braga, Portugal, July 18-22, 2010)

The Journalism Research & Education Section invites submissions for its open sessions at the IAMCR that will be held in Braga (Portugal) 2010 from July 18-22. The overall conference theme is "Communication and Citizenship. Rethinking Crisis and Change"

Making this connection between Journalism and Citizenship not only helps citizens all over the world to enhance their level of engagement, but also satisfies a global news-hungry appetite as a sound investment in better policy-making and a core element of good governance.

The Journalism Research & Education Section invites papers within the general theme to promote conduct and dissemination of research into all facets of journalism research and journalism education.

The JRE Section covers five main themes:

First Themes: International Collaborative Research in Journalism Research: New Challenges and Emergent Perspectives.

§ Pros & Cons of International Research Projects in Journalism

§ Diversified Journalism Values in Different Journalism Cultures

§ Qualitative Versus Quantitative Methods

§ How to further internationalization and integration of journalism studies?

§ Means of facilitating the dialogue between different schools of thought and regional traditions of studying journalism.

§ New methods and approaches to the methodological arsenal of empirical journalism studies, particularly methods that are of use for cross-cultural comparative research.

§ How to link between the convergence with training, vocational expertise and journalism research, with news media as an actor?

§ Revisiting within the current parameters the new methods of journalism education, and what incentives that drives improvement and leveling of the journalism quality.

Second Theme: Innovations in Journalism:

§ What evidence for journalists as stakeholders in innovation systems?

§ How do current innovation diffusion models treat the role of media?

§ What available models and evidence for the innovation communication system (interplay between journalists/ communicators/others)?

§ What lessons could be derived from historical evidence about the role of media systems?

§ What is the role played by media in the social construction of reality?

§ What measures and metrics to identify the influence of journalism on community identities?

§ How does journalism education could be optimized?

§ How does journalism contribute to the formation of the public perception of an emerging industry?

§ Will journalism increase economic growth?

Third Theme: The Professional Journalism:

§ What are the conflicts of interest in Journalism practice?

§ How similar/dissimilar is it to other emerging areas of Journalism coverage?

§ What obstacles derive from journalism as a profession (systems of jurisdiction, the role of the state, education, ideologies, etc.)?

§ What are best ways to teach Professional journalism?

§ How do journalists currently think about journalism innovations?

§ What makes innovation difficult for journalists to cover as 'news'?

§ What variation of Professional Education worldwide and across the full spectrum of media?

Fourth Theme: Methods for Quantifying Professional Journalism:

§ How to map current practices of Professional Education?

§ How to evaluate and rank Professional Education– quality, standards, & effectiveness?

§ How to establish and monitor Professional Education credentials?

§ How to compare Professional Education– volume, focuses, specialties, and neglected areas?

§ How to attribute (or introduce?) Professional Education to underdeveloped and developing countries, especially to local media?

§ How to compare Professional Education trends in all media?

Fifth Theme: Generic Studies of Journalism:

§ How to evaluate the general education component of journalism and mass communication using a uniform assessment formula?

§ How to judge student and program performance; and policy analysis and decision making?

§ Studies involving Institutional profiles, background information?

§ Descriptions of the evaluation efforts how work and occupations influence organizations innovation and entrepreneurship?

§ How different media practices shape emerging technologies, markets, and industries?

§ Different experiences of validation and accreditation of journalism and mass communication programs?

The Journalism Research & Education Section has already scheduled two panels in Braga 2010 that deal with Journalism Education in Challenging Environments, and Emerging Journalists & Cross-media Publishing Skills. However, the section is opened for other panel suggestions that can resonate with the JRE themes.

Abstracts should be sent to the JRE Section Chair only through the Conference website, and should be between 300-500 words long. Each abstract must include title, name(s), affiliation, institutional address and email address of author(s).

The deadlines are as follows:

- Submission of abstracts: January 31, 2010 (papers will be assessed and provisionally accepted on the basis of the abstracts).

- Announcement of acceptances: March 15, 2010

- Full papers due: April 30, 2010

IAMCR accepts presentations in English, French and Spanish. However, it is requested that abstracts, if at all possible, be submitted in English.

Further information about IAMCR and this conference is available on the respective websites: http://iamcr.org/ and www.iamcr2010portugal.com

As part of the JRE restructuring that was introduced in Mexico City 09,a blind referee process of six members (steering committee) will review the research papers to optimize the quality of research in the best objective and professional level. Authors interested in the Journalism Research & Education Section on-line publication will be requested to send their full papers after final modifications no later than September 2010.

Ibrahim Saleh

Chair, Journalism Research & Education Section


Email: jre09is@gmail.com

JRE site: http://www.jre-iamcr.org
JRE Blog: http://jre09.blogspot.com

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