Qué es el CICA

Posted by Jorge Hidalgo On Mayo - 01- 2009

El CICA es el Centro de Investigación para la Comunicación Aplicada creado en el año 2004 en el seno de la Universidad Anáhuac México Norte, en su Escuela de Ciencias de la Comunicación

Investigación y Publicaciones

Posted by Jorge Hidalgo On Mayo- 01- 209

Actualmente, en el CICA se estudian los problemas que rodean al cine, la radio, la televisión, internet, la prensa, los nuevos medios, la publicidad y la comunicación organizacional y sus relaciones con la ética y el respeto de los valores humanos para que puedan ser resueltos con el apoyo de la investigación científica y con ello contribuir al desarrollo de la sociedad mexicana.

Posgrados y Extensión

Posted by Jorge Hidalgo On Mayo- 01- 2009

El CICA guarda un interés particular por la formación integral de los profesionales e investigadores que se adscriben a la red de comunicadores que está conformando. Esta visión, tiene como principal objetivo humanizar la actividad de los comunicadores

Difusión de las Investigaciones

Posted by Jorge Hidalgo On Mayo - 01- 2009

Los investigadores del Centro de Investigación para la Comunicación Aplicada, están comprometidos a contribuir en el conocimiento, a través de las investigaciones que realizan, buscando siempre comunicar veraz y objetivamente las innovaciones científicas, creando formas novedosas de divulgación del conocimiento e incrementando la investigación y su aplicación en las empresas de comunicación para promover con ello el uso ético de los medios de comunicación


Posted by Jorge Hidalgo On Mayo- 01- 2009

El contacto con otras instituciones y organismos relacionados al ámbito de la Comunicación, especialmente aquellos que desarrollan nuevas investigaciones y conocimiento sobre esta disciplina, es esencial para elCICA a fin de mantener actualizados a todos sus miembros

Ethical Issues of Emerging ICT Applications (ETICA) 2010

Posted by Jorge Alberto Hidalgo Toledo On 6:27 a.m.
Call for papers

Ethical Issues of Emerging ICT Applications (ETICA) 2010

The Future as we see it: Emerging ICTs and resulting ethical issues

Call for papers to the 1st ETICA International Conference at Rovira and Virgili University, Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain on 13 April 2010.

ETICA is a European research project funded under the Science in Society 7th Framework (FP7) programme. It will run from April 2009 to May 2011. The main aim of the project is:
· to explore which technologies are likely to be dominant in the medium term future (10 to 15 years)
· to investigate ethical issues they are likely to raise and
· to then provide recommendations for governance arrangements suitable to
address such issues.

As part of the ETICA project, there will be two international conferences. The first one at approximately the half-way point will take place in spring 2010. It will be held in conjunction with the ETHICOMP 2010 conference which takes place on Wednesday
14th April to Friday 16th April 2010.

The ETICA conference will be a 1-day eventwhich will take place on Tuesday 13th April 2010, a day before the ETHICOMP

The prospect of new and emerging technologies is an exciting one, not least because of the potential developments and improvements they promise to bring to our lives.
Enhanced better health, the allure of new forms of friendships, the fight against crime, the potential for better and more accessible education, an improved environment as a result of new technologies; all give a sense of excitement and
optimism of what might be. However, this sense of what might be often overshadows the need to critically examine the ethical issues that may result. To explore these issues and because ethical issues of emerging technologies are global and
cross-cultural, ETICA is inviting position papers from international scholars with an interest in emerging technologies and their ethical relevance to submit position papers of 3500 words. Papers may cover themes that broadly address but are not
limited to the following topics:

Trends in emerging technologies
· Current and future technologies
· Use of identified emerging technologies
· Anticipated impact of emerging technologies
· Application areas of emerging technologies
· The problem of identifying future developments
Potential ethical issues
· Ethical concerns of emerging technologies
· Ways of addressing future ethical issues
· Values, ethics and morality under conditions of uncertainty
Papers submitted must describe original work that has not been submitted to another conference or under consideration for journal publication. Submitted papers will be considered for a special issue of Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in
Society (www.emeraldinsight.com/jices.htm).

The conference will encourage a more inclusive and discursive approach in its proceedings. In order to ensure stimulating debate, the conference will be run using a format that deviates slightly from that used in most academic conferences.

Papers will be made available to all participants prior to the conference and participants will be asked to read them in advance. The papers will not be presented but they will then be discussed in small groups of peers who will have read them.

How to submit
Papers must be written in English and must include the title, authors’ names and affiliations, mailing addresses including email, telephone numbers and a statement of commitment that one of the authors will present the paper at the conference. For
instructions on how to submit papers please visit the conference website at:

Key Dates
1 June 2009 – Call for papers
28 August 2009 – Submission of full 3500 word position papers
28 November 2009 – Authors informed of decision on full papers
13 April 2010 – ETICA conference 2010, Rovira and Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain
25 June 2010 - Re-submission of revised 3500 word papers for special issue in Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society
17 September 2010 – Feedback to Authors
29 October 2010 – Final submission of papers
12 November final decision on papers to either accept or reject

With best wishes


Dr. Kutoma Jacqueline Wakunuma-Zojer (PhD)
Research Fellow
Ethical Issues of Emerging Technologies (ETICA) Project
De Montfort University
Faculty of Technology
Leicester - United Kingdom

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