Por favor participen. Oportunidad única para investigadores en formación y consolidados para vincular el trabajo académico de la región con el europeo, en un journal peer-reviewed cuya sede es el CAMRI de Westminster, el mejor centro de investigación en comunicación del Reino Unido, según los resultados del RAE 2008.
Yo por ejemplo pretendo escribir un artículo sobre el modelo de periodismo liberal estadounidense (objetividad, facticidad) y su importación acrítica y asimilación en la región.
Re-visiting Latin American Cultural and Media Studies
Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC), Volume 7, Number 3, 2010
Cultural and Media Studies are undergoing diverse changes in regional contexts and remain highly contested fields of intellectual debate and analysis. Latin American media research, best exemplified by the so-called Latin American Communication Tradition, shows an increasing convergence with Cultural Studies. However, Latin American Cultural and Media Studies have not taken their current directions as the result of an epistemological break from British, European and North American Cultural Schools, but rather as a result of a de-centralized and de-westernized analysis of sociocultural and political processes in the region, which have created popular and alternative perspectives in communication and cultural research.
Such perspectives span from Martin-Barbero's From Media to Mediations, to García-Canclini's Hybrid Cultures, Castells' Network Society and Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Re-visiting the cultural and communication standpoints developed in Latin America will help to address both on-going questions on globalization, and cultural hybridization, from within the local and regional cultures. This issue will reflect on the evolution of these perspectives; it aims to explore current research trends in the region, and points of interaction and dialogue with, as well as resistance to, the West. Can contemporary Latin American Cultural and Media Studies contribute new theories and epistemologies to the discipline? Have Western schools observed new trends in the region? Is there a dialogue or resistance between the Western and Latin American perspectives? Is the region part of the Global South?
This new issue of Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture will be dedicated to the analysis of current debates in Latin American Media and Cultural Studies in relation to British, European and North American Cultural Studies. We welcome essays from a variety of academic disciplines and traditions, such as media studies, cultural studies, journalism research, alternative media, etc., that deal with theoretical and/or empirical aspects of Latin American Cultural and Media Studies.
A 300 word abstract, full contact information for the corresponding author, and a biographical note (up to 75 words) on each of the authors should be submitted by no later than 11 June 2010. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified in June 2010 and will then be invited to submit a full paper by 17 September 2010.
Complete manuscripts should be prepared in English in MS Word and adhere to the Manuscript Submission Guidelines (http://www.wmin.ac.uk/mad/page-1201); they should be 6000 words (minimum) to 8000 words (maximum), including notes and references. Papers should be accompanied by an abstract of 100-150 words and up to six keywords. The manuscript must contain a separate title page that should include: the title of the manuscript; the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s); full contact details of the author(s); the author's brief biographical statement. An invitation to submit a full paper does not constitute a commitment for publication; all papers will be subject to anonymous peer review following submission.
Please send your abstract as an e-mail attachment to the issue editor Yennue Zarate (y.zarate_valderrama@my.westminster.ac.uk)
Deadline for abstracts: 11 June 2010
Deadline for complete manuscripts: 17 September 2010
Yennue Zarate
Communication & Media Research Institute
University of Westminster, UK
Yo por ejemplo pretendo escribir un artículo sobre el modelo de periodismo liberal estadounidense (objetividad, facticidad) y su importación acrítica y asimilación en la región.
Re-visiting Latin American Cultural and Media Studies
Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC), Volume 7, Number 3, 2010
Cultural and Media Studies are undergoing diverse changes in regional contexts and remain highly contested fields of intellectual debate and analysis. Latin American media research, best exemplified by the so-called Latin American Communication Tradition, shows an increasing convergence with Cultural Studies. However, Latin American Cultural and Media Studies have not taken their current directions as the result of an epistemological break from British, European and North American Cultural Schools, but rather as a result of a de-centralized and de-westernized analysis of sociocultural and political processes in the region, which have created popular and alternative perspectives in communication and cultural research.
Such perspectives span from Martin-Barbero's From Media to Mediations, to García-Canclini's Hybrid Cultures, Castells' Network Society and Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Re-visiting the cultural and communication standpoints developed in Latin America will help to address both on-going questions on globalization, and cultural hybridization, from within the local and regional cultures. This issue will reflect on the evolution of these perspectives; it aims to explore current research trends in the region, and points of interaction and dialogue with, as well as resistance to, the West. Can contemporary Latin American Cultural and Media Studies contribute new theories and epistemologies to the discipline? Have Western schools observed new trends in the region? Is there a dialogue or resistance between the Western and Latin American perspectives? Is the region part of the Global South?
This new issue of Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture will be dedicated to the analysis of current debates in Latin American Media and Cultural Studies in relation to British, European and North American Cultural Studies. We welcome essays from a variety of academic disciplines and traditions, such as media studies, cultural studies, journalism research, alternative media, etc., that deal with theoretical and/or empirical aspects of Latin American Cultural and Media Studies.
A 300 word abstract, full contact information for the corresponding author, and a biographical note (up to 75 words) on each of the authors should be submitted by no later than 11 June 2010. Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified in June 2010 and will then be invited to submit a full paper by 17 September 2010.
Complete manuscripts should be prepared in English in MS Word and adhere to the Manuscript Submission Guidelines (http://www.wmin.ac.uk/mad/page-1201); they should be 6000 words (minimum) to 8000 words (maximum), including notes and references. Papers should be accompanied by an abstract of 100-150 words and up to six keywords. The manuscript must contain a separate title page that should include: the title of the manuscript; the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s); full contact details of the author(s); the author's brief biographical statement. An invitation to submit a full paper does not constitute a commitment for publication; all papers will be subject to anonymous peer review following submission.
Please send your abstract as an e-mail attachment to the issue editor Yennue Zarate (y.zarate_valderrama@my.westminster.ac.uk)
Deadline for abstracts: 11 June 2010
Deadline for complete manuscripts: 17 September 2010
Yennue Zarate
Communication & Media Research Institute
University of Westminster, UK
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